Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blessed again...

So, I should be getting ready for another day of learning and productiveness; but I can't. I locked my purse, keys, phone, and book in my room today. Facebook has gotten boring, I'd thought I write a little blog to pass the time. I'm not used to having this idle time, especially when I know I could be doing other things. Yes, I'm a little bothered by the fact that I do not have control over this little predicament. But, recently I'm looking at all the things that happen to me, as a part of a destiny I have no control over. For some reason, I was supposed to lock my keys in my room. For some reason, my fiancée is supposed to break it off with me and for some reason my best friend had to pass away. I spoke with my friends mom today, it was a good visit. I found her having a rough week so far and was instantly reminded that even though my heart is broken into a million pieces, I can't even imagine the pain she must be feeling. Yes, I loved my friend very much and I hurt really bad because he is gone; but I'm pretty sure it is nothing compared to losing a child. I thanked my friend very much for making me remember to come visit her. I guess you're wondering how I managed to visit her during the day. Well, today I had some training to attend. We learned how to handle situations in the classroom that may require myself to restraint a violent child. They let us have 1 and half hour lunch. I used my first 30 minutes to go by and visit my friends mom. She is the librarian for the local high school. She's been a librarian for as long as I can remember, she was the elementary librarian when I attended elementary and was the high school librarian when I was in high school. That library is a bittersweet place for me. It was our hang out spot back in the day, seeing myself and all my friends loitering around that place was the norm. I can't help but be overcome with tons of emotions as I walk in that library. Which brings me to why this visit was predestined for me. As we talked, I broke the news to the news to her about me and my fiancée. She gave me the best advice anyone so far has given me. She looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry for you; but I'm even more sorry for your fiancée. I'm sorry for him because he hasn't realized that when it comes to marriage and love, it isn't like the stories. I hope he realizes that and is able to come back to you before its too late, because no matter if he ends up with you or with someone else, love is not like the movies. It is obvious that you've realized what you want in life and good for you that you have been given that chance to find someone who wants the same things as you. For some reason, God has a plan for you and this is part of it. You are going to be okay." This advice was just as good as if my friend had been alive to tell me himself how he felt about the situation. I looked at her and I agreed. For some reason, this is part of my life plan and I'm going to be okay, somehow. Yes, it's terribly sad that my heart is a little on the broken side, but I know and trust in the G-man to see me through this. I was born and raised Catholic and I'm not a hardcore Catholic; but I do believe in my G-man and I love Him. I know he will make things right in the end and I just have to be patient, even if it feels like its killing me. Hahaha I just couldn't help but think to myself, all the things in our lives are predestined for some reason or other and I hope my readers look at all the small/big good/bad things as blessings, because they are--even if we don't see it that way. <3


  1. "On this day of your life, we believe God wants you to know ... that faith is exactly what it takes to get through uncertainty.

    Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out, - that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all darkness outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive!"

    Sent to me after I told someone about my new single status. <3 See what I was destined!!

