Maybe I don’t have a right to talk about this or even feel the way I do about the situation I’ve experienced at school lately; I don’t know but I do know I get really heated and all out of sorts with my emotions. I think of all the injustices in the world and the one that affects me the most is child abuse. I don’t even know where to begin on that soap box. I feel like I’m always getting the students who are coming from these crappy situations at home and I have to play mother. Do I mind? No, I’d bring them home if I could, in a heartbeat, no questions, no second thoughts about it. But, it kills me to see my students having to face such adult like situations at the mere ages of 5/6. Makes you rethink the whole G-man, or maybe why would such a wonderful being would let those things happen. He has his reasons, even though I’ll never understand, that I’m pretty sure of.
I think what angers me the most is the parent’s attitude of trying to make me look like the bad person. I want to jump up and down, stomping my feet and point out that, I’m trying to keep your child safe from you, the person whom they love the most and need the most, yet you’re the person who’s hurting them the most, mentally & physically—but sure call me the bad guy. I’m the monster of a person, even though I pick up the pieces daily and re-patch whatever I can mentally, give them the love and support they’re obviously lacking at home. I get it, I understand, sometimes life just throws these horrible curve balls at us, but it doesn’t excuse the fact that you’re ignoring your child or taking out your frustrations on them---goodness they’re under the age of 7, they had nothing to do with the reasons why life can be so crappy, they’re victims too.
I pray every day for my students, some more than others, and I pray that I can be given the strength and guidance to help them and even foster love for these students. I thank my stars that my parents were really wonderful to me and that my niece and nephew are so lucky to have the parents they have. I see so many students whose parents have this mentality that their children’s needs are not a priority.
And as if I don’t already feel bad about putting the calls into CPS, but I get the calls from the parents as well—these attitudes like I did something wrong. Yes, I forgot, I’m supposed to ignore the huge bruise that is on your child’s face and the look of complete sadness and lack of life in your child’s eyes. I’m sure the next few days are going to be a bed of roses, but I’ll somehow survive it. I think I do it mostly for my students; I’ll gladly step into the fire for their sake, no matter how ugly things will get or how awful I’ll be treated or looked upon. I’m the only person they have who will fight that hard, to make sure they come out on top. Yes, it means me taking an emotional beating daily, but if not me then who? If their support system at home is a complete failure, how will these children survive the next 13 years of their lives? I don’t think people realize how much a teacher will do for their students; to make sure they’re potential is met or at least attempted. I don’t want the extra pay everyone cries about, I just want people to realize that their children lives are just as important as their own. Don’t get me wrong; there are some wonderful, amazing parents out there, but not everyone gets dealt those parents—those parents are a minority. I’m not sure what the future holds for the children who are growing up right now, I can only hope and pray that they be granted some happiness and love along the way, if not by their parents, then by others who truly care about them. So, share the love people, share the love. Peace & Love always….